Russian Berries & Fruits Market Overview, 2018-2024AGATA MARKETS Data on the berries and fruits market volume, in particular the demand for raspberries and strawberries in 2018-2021, as well as the forecast by product categories until 2024 in rubles, tons and rubles per kilogram |
*Market volume was calculated as the difference between domestic production and export, taking into account imports: Domestic production - Export + Import = Market volume
Diagram 3. Volume and growth rates of the raspberry market in Russia, 2018-2020, tons
Source: AGATA based on the FAO, FCS and retail chains data*Price dynamics 2018-2020 built on the basis of the growth rate of prices for imported products.
Diagram 4. Average selling price of raspberries in Russia, 2018-2021 in rubles/kg
Source: AGATA based on the FAO, FCS and retail chains dataDiagram 7. Volume and growth rates of the strawberry market in Russia, 2018-2020, tons
Source: AGATA based on the FAO, FCS, retail chains dataDiagram 8. Average selling price of strawberries in Russia, 2018-2021 in rubles / kg
Source: AGATA based on the FAO, FCS, retail chains data