Avocado Market Overview in Russia, 2018-2024MARKETS The avocado market in Russia shows an increase of +33% in tonnes and may reach 118 billion rubles by 2024 |
Diagram 1. Volume of the avocado market in the Russian Federation, 2018-2020, tons
Source: FCS data, taking into account the EAEU supplies*Market size was calculated as the difference between domestic production and exports,
taking into account imports
*The market volume for Hass and green avocado was calculated based on the structure of avocado imports excluding data for the EAEU. Then the obtained shares of each type of avocado in the import structure were superimposed on the volume of the entire avocado market, taking into account the EAEU data.
Diagram 4. Baseline forecast of the avocado market in the Russian Federation, 2021-2024, tons
Source: own calculations based on data from the Ministry of Economic Development